Joranda Mela
Joranda Mela, also known as Magha Mela or Mahima Mela, is a vibrant fair held annually in Joranda, Dhenkanal district, Odisha. This beloved event attracts devotees, ascetics, monks, and pilgrims from far and wide to pay homage to Mahima Gosain’s Samadhi Pitha (shrine) in Sunya Mandir (temple).
Location | Dhenkanal district, Odisha |
When Joranda Mela is Celebrated? | January or February Month |
When Joranda Mela is Celebrated?
The fair takes place on the full moon day of the Hindu calendar month of Magha, usually falling in January or February. It commemorates the day of Mahima Gosain’s salvation and is particularly significant for followers of the Mahima sect. The temple, dedicated to the shapeless lord Sunya Bramha, holds immense spiritual importance.
Why is Joranda famous?
Joranda is a well-known place in India, particularly in the state of Odisha. It’s famous primarily for being the headquarters of the Mahima Dharma movement, which is a religious movement that emphasizes simplicity, egalitarianism, and spiritual liberation. The movement was founded by Mahima Gosain in the 19th century. Joranda attracts followers and tourists alike due to its association with this spiritual movement and the presence of the Joranda Gadi, which is the main center of the Mahima Dharma. People visit Joranda to experience the spiritual ambiance, attend religious gatherings, and learn about the teachings of Mahima Dharma.
How to Reach Joranda
🛫 By Air:
The nearest airport to Joranda is Biju Patnaik Airport in Bhubaneswar, approximately 106 km away.
🚆 By Train:
If traveling by train, the closest railway station is Dhenkanal. From there, Joranda is accessible by road, around 26 km from Dhenkanal Station.
🚗 By Road:
By road, Joranda is 26 km from Dhenkanal Bus Stand.
The Flame of Continuity
At the heart of Joranda Mela is the perpetual flame, the ‘Akhanda Dhuni,’ ignited by Mahima Gosain himself, symbolizing eternal spirituality. The fair maintains traditions such as the ‘Yagna Kund’ where a sacred fire burns, attracting thousands who offer ghee in prayers for peace and prosperity.
A Mass Prayer for Humanity
Joranda Mela is more than a religious gathering; it’s a collective prayer for the welfare of the world. Devotees chant ‘Alekh Brahma’ rhythmically, spreading Mahima Gosain’s message of love and humanity. The fair embodies the ethos of Mahima Dharma, advocating for a classless society and universal brotherhood.
Inclusive Gathering
During the Mela, people of all castes, creeds, and religions are welcomed into the Mahima shrines, fostering unity and inclusivity. It’s a testament to Mahima Gosain’s teachings, which continue to inspire and attract thousands to Joranda year after year.