VK Pandian

VK Pandian | From Civil Servant to Rank of Cabinet Minister

VK Pandian, once the private secretary to Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, has now taken on a bigger role. He retired from his civil service career to become the Chairman of 5T and ‘Nabin Odisha’, working directly under CM Patnaik with the status of a Cabinet Minister.

Civil Service Journey

Beginning as a sub-collector in Dharmagarh, Pandian served in various roles including district collector in Mayurbhanj and Ganjam. His contributions have been crucial in initiatives like ‘Mo Sarkar’, which gathers feedback from citizens to improve public services and hold government officials accountable.

Driving Transformation: The 5T Governance Charter

5T Governance of Odisha emphasizes Transparency, Technology, Teamwork, and Time to drive Transformation. This initiative actively aims to expedite multiple projects, playing a pivotal role in successfully implementing various state endeavors. Under Pandian’s stewardship, the 5T approach has facilitated swift progress by streamlining processes and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Its focus on transparency ensures accountability and fosters public trust, while leveraging technology enhances efficiency and effectiveness in governance. Through cohesive teamwork, the initiative harnesses collective efforts to overcome challenges and achieve goals within set timelines. By prioritizing time as a crucial resource, the 5T charter promotes timely delivery of services and projects, thereby driving overall transformation in the state. Pandian’s leadership in spearheading this initiative underscores its significance in driving positive change and fostering development across Odisha.

Project Execution and Heritage Restoration

Beyond bureaucratic duties, Pandian has been instrumental in executing large-scale projects like the Sri Jagannath Heritage Corridor, enhancing the visibility and security of the ancient Shree Jagannath Temple. He has also played a key role in restoring ancient temples across Odisha.

Hands-On Approach to Governance and Welfare

Pandian’s extensive experience includes touring all 147 assembly constituencies in Odisha, engaging with locals to address their concerns and evaluate development projects. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he inspected healthcare facilities to ensure readiness.

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